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Divorce Modification in South Jordan, Utah

Helping Our Clients Modify Court Orders for a More Favorable Outcome

The end of a marriage is proof that the unexpected can happen. Unfortunately, the issuance of a divorce decree doesn’t alter this fact. Major changes can occur after the end of a marriage that directly affect decisions that were made via court order. In some instances, it may even be the case that inaccurate information led to an inappropriate order in the first place. In each of these situations, a divorce modifications lawyer in South Jordan could prove invaluable.

At RCG Law Group, we understand that life changes and mistakes can happen. That’s why our Utah family law attorneys are here to help you rectify such issues. Remember, even seemingly “permanent” orders (e.g., permanent alimony, property division) may not necessarily be “permanent.” Contact our law firm today to discuss your options. Our South Jordan divorce modifications attorneys are here to help.

Can a Divorce Order Be Modified After Being Issued?

Divorce is a difficult endeavor, and many people just want them to end quickly. Unfortunately, there are many cases when the old adage “what’s done is done” simply doesn’t apply. At the end of a divorce, court orders are issued that will continue to affect the lives of former spouses. This is particularly true when children are involved or when the parties uprooted their former lives to “tie the knot.” Fortunately, divorce modifications are possible.

However, such modifications are not taken lightly. Whether your final divorce decree was an agreement between you and your spouse — or if a judge made all the decisions — these court orders are meant to last. Fortunately, the law recognizes that situations can change. That’s why modifications are allowed when one party can show that a substantial change in circumstances has occurred. Of course, the threshold for “substantial” can vary.

This is why it’s important to work with an experienced divorce and order modifications attorney in South Jordan. At RCG Law Group, a legal professional will review your case and help you understand if you might be eligible for a modification. If so, we can handle all the necessary filings and evidentiary requirements on your behalf. Life after divorce is already stressful enough. Let our team of attorneys simplify things moving forward.

What Types of Divorce Orders Can Be Modified in Utah?

Most court decisions involved in a divorce can be modified if the proper requirements are met. If you’re able to reach an amicable solution with your former partner, the process may be relatively simple. Your attorney can file the necessary paperwork on your behalf, and as long as the modification meets legal requirements, it is likely to be approved.

However, not all modification requests will be amicable. Regardless, it’s still necessary to present your case in court. When seeking the following modifications, there are certain things you should understand to improve your odds of prevailing:

Child Custody and Visitation

Child custody and visitation orders are not set in stone. If a parent can demonstrate that a modification of the existing arrangement is in the best interest of the child, the courts will likely put serious consideration into an adjustment. Changes such as living situations, personal and psychological issues, the child’s age and preferences, and parental incomes may all be considered.

Child Support

Child support decisions are made with the best interest of the child in mind. However, these aren’t the only considerations. After all, a parent cannot pay money that they don’t have. That’s why substantial changes in income, employment status, and other financial circumstances could warrant a child support modification.


There are many different reasons that a spousal support order may be modified. In fact, there are instances where it could be cancelled entirely. For instance, remarriage or cohabitation could warrant the end of alimony payments. A modification is also possible if either party has experienced a substantial change in their financial situation. This could include the paying spouse losing their job or the receiving spouse earning more income.

Can Utah Property Division Decisions Be Reopened?

One of the most common questions asked of divorce modifications lawyers in South Jordan is whether property division decisions can be modified. Utah is an equitable distribution state, so marital properties are divided equitably rather than equally. This can result in situations where one spouse receives more than the other, and in such cases, it makes sense that one party may want a modification at some point.

However, it’s important to know that property division decisions cannot be modified in the same way as alimony, child custody, and other court orders. In most cases, property division orders are set in stone. This is why it’s so important to work with a Utah divorce attorney to ensure you get a fair share of the marital assets from the start. There are very few circumstances where a property division order can be reopened, and most people won’t qualify.

However, a divorce modifications lawyer in South Jordan can review your case and see if you’re eligible. Contact RCG Law Group today to learn more.

Contact a Divorce Modifications Lawyer in South Jordan, UT Today

No one expects to get divorced when they first take marital vows. Unfortunately, we can’t always foresee the future — and this holds true even after the finalization of a divorce. If you feel there have been substantial changes to your situation — or you believe new information would’ve affected an initial order — it’s important to remember that you may have options. A legal professional can help you understand them.

At RCG Law Group, you’ll work with a dedicated team of Utah family law attorneys who are dedicated to securing fair outcomes for our clients. We understand that the legal issues surrounding divorce are complex, and navigating them probably seems tedious and challenging. That’s why we’re always ready to help. Contact us at (385) 503-3663 today to schedule your confidential consultation.

Let our divorce modifications lawyers in South Jordan assist you during this difficult time.